0844 493 3699info@foursquaretraining.co.uk

FourSquare TrainingPhotoshop Masterclass Training Course UK Wide - On-site and Online

Introduction | On-site Courses | Virtual Courses | Course Outline | Reviews | Related Courses | Locations

Your learning needs are at the ❤ heart of what we do.

PhotoShop Masterclass course

Masterclass PhotoShop Training Course

This four-day intensive learning Masterclass PhotoShop course takes students from 'zero to hero' with Adobe PhotoShop and incorporates our beginners, intermediate, advanced and expert courses.

With our Adobe PhotoShop Masterclass course there is plenty of room for manoeuvre if you want the course topics tailoring or adjusting to your staff's particular learning needs and there is no obligation to take each day consecutively if you would prefer not to undertake the course as a bootcamp.

This gives you the flexibility needed to fit the courses around your business priorities and staff availability. Moreover, if you have any colleagues who are already confident using PhotoShop up to a beginners level then they can join on day two, so nobody misses out and no one has to sit through material they already know and you only pay for the number of people that attend on each day.

Across the four days of our PhotoShop Masterclass we provide a comprehensive end-to-end course which starts out with basic techniques for working with layers, selections, colours, retouching, Quick Masks, Generative AI tools, and editing and printing right through to sophisticated methods for applying masks, working with channels, 3D, video and Camera Raw during the final two days and much more.

Email us or call 0844 493 3699 to find out more.

Our Masterclass Photoshop course is delivered on-site at your workplace or as live virtual classroom for one-to-one sessions and small groups of up to 10 delegates. For on-site visits we cover much of mainland UK (including East Midlands and West Midlands, Greater Manchester and the North West, Yorkshire, Greater London, East Anglia, Bristol area, South East and South West of England etc.).

PhotoShop Masterclass Training Course Prerequisites

In order to attend this course you don't need any prior knowledge of Adobe PhotoShop, but should be familiar with using a keyboard and a mouse. If your learners already have some self-taught experience with PhotoShop but feel more comfortable starting from scratch (or with a refresher) that's fine too.

Intended Audience

This course is aimed at individuals and groups who need to improve their PhotoShop design and image editing skills for purposes such as:

  • Desktop Publishing
  • Photography
  • Graphic Design
  • Web Design
  • Advertising and Marketing
  • Corporate Literature and Branding

PDF Course Outline

On-site PhotoShop Masterclass Course in the United Kingdom

Our 'face-to-face' closed courses for Adobe PhotoShop are delivered as private courses for your delegates offering more flexibility than off-the-shelf public courses and topics taught can often be tailored to match your learning needs. One of our trainers will discuss your training requirements with you prior to the course.

These Adobe PhotoShop training courses are conducted at your workplace for small groups and are exceptional value and very popular. You will usually need to book at least one month in advance. We can attend anywhere in the UK (for overseas requirements, please enquire).

Our Regional PhotoShop Trainers Come to You

With our on-site Adobe PhotoShop Masterclass courses our regional Adobe trainers come to your workplace throughout England, bringing the training to you regardless of whether you are in a major city such as London, Manchester, Birmingham or Leeds, or anywhere else.

This offers a really cost-effective way to train small groups and entire departments in the comfort of familiar surroundings from the Capital City of London to The Cotswolds, from Nottinghamshire to Northamptonshire, West Midlands to West Yorkshire, Sussex to South Yorkshire, Norfolk to Northumberland, Lancashire to Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire to Gloucestershire, Bristol to Berkshire, Essex to the East Riding of Yorkshire and everywhere inbetween.

Live Virtual Classroom Photoshop Masterclass Courses, United Kingdom and Beyond

If you have a group of staff that you would prefer to be tutored remotely rather than having a trainer come out to you these small-group Photoshop courses are also available Online as live virtual, interactive training sessions from the comfort of your own office or workplace. These live instructor-led courses are taught via MS Teams video conferencing.

Why choose virtual learning? As we are all becoming more used to Online learning and live virtual meetings it has become apparent that the virtual classroom method of delivery has many advantages over traditional face-to-face learning venues.

If you are looking for local training near you, then you can't get any closer to your doorstep than you can with virtual learning.

Our virtual learning PhotoShop courses cater for groups of up to ten people and your learners benefit from full and immersive interaction with your trainer just as if they were in the classroom with you, with engaging hands-on training via advanced live video conferencing that is further enhanced by features such as live chat, private chat, and sharing screens and documents.

You can find out how to set up Microsoft Teams for a live Online virtual course here (Virtual Learning with MS Teams).

We really ❤ love helping UK organisations to master Adobe PhotoShop. Our only question is: Will it be yours?

We come to you: Our regional, mobile Adobe PhotoShop trainers cover most locations of mainland UK for on-site visits including the English regions of the West Midlands, East Midlands, Yorkshire and the Humber, the East of England, most of the North West, most of Greater London, parts of the South West of England (Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset, Bristol area, Gloucestershire) and the western and northerly parts of the South East of England (Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Hampshire and Berkshire). Virtual classroom courses are available from anywhere via live video conferencing.

Expert Trainers

Our Adobe PhotoShop trainers are:

Specialist educators with a wealth of experience and expertise, proven track records and excellent feedback.

Tailored Courses

Our Closed Adobe PhotoShop Courses are:

Flexible instructor-led courses catering to YOUR specific learning needs and training requirements.

22,000 students trained

Education is Our Passion:

Over 22,000 students trained across almost every industry, sector and background.

Commercial and Corporate PhotoShop Masterclass Courses for the Public and Private Sectors

How Many People Should Attend Our Private Adobe PhotoShop Masterclass Courses?

Whilst the number of people who attend our private Adobe PhotoShop Masterclass courses is essentially up to you and dependant upon the number of learners you have who need to receive the training (up to our ten delegate per course maximum), we encourage all of our clients to keep your class sizes small where possible. This provides a more personable and effective learning experience for you and allows the trainer to give more individual attention to each and every student.

What is the Teaching Method for Our Adobe PhotoShop Masterclass Courses?

The teaching method for our private PhotoShop courses is Instructor-led training (ILT), which means that our courses are engaging, immersive, hands-on and interactive, and thereby facilitate more effective learning and information retention. With this participatory learning method your staff will retain information better, whether they are studying PhotoShop in-person or via live virtual classroom. And, whilst we are happy to provide lectures, demonstrations and show-and-tells for larger groups (plus drop-in surgeries for ad hoc technical advice and explanation), the instructor-led training approach is by far the most reliable teaching methodology to bring your PhotoShop know-how to life in a small-class-size setting.

How Long are Our Masterclass PhotoShop Courses?

Usual teaching hours for this four-day course are 9.30AM to 4.30PM with an hour for lunch and two short breaks morning and afternoon. This timetable is fairly standard across UK training providers and gives six hours of hands-on PhotoShop learning, which is an optimal day's training when it comes to comfortably absorbing knowledge, undertaking practice exercises and retaining information.

If you need an earlier or later start time for your course please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Courses are delivered week days, Monday to Friday during normal business hours.

More About Our Adobe Training Delivery Method for Closed Courses for Businesses

  • Step-by-Step Courses: Instructor-led Adobe PhotoShop training provided in-person with step-by-step demonstrations, lessons and hands-on exercises.

  • Q&A courses: Dynamic and interactive Adobe PhotoShop courses with plenty of time for questions and answers.

  • Flexible Courses: Professional tuition that's tailored to match your team's present knowledge level and learning needs, and covering the Adobe PhotoShop functions, design features and creative techniques that your trainee staff, co-workers or employees need the most.

  • Small Class Sizes: Private, corporate Adobe PhotoShop training for small group sizes with a maximum of 10 learners on any course.

  • Scalable Courses: Can be run as a single course, tutorial or workshop; Or as a training rollout bringing whole teams, departments and organisations up to the benchmark level of Adobe PhotoShop knowledge and confidence that you require.

What is the difference between Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Creative Suite?

Adobe Creative Cloud is Adobe's platform of Cloud-based creative design and desk-top publishing applications and tools (such as PhotoShop, Indesign and Illustrator and so forth) which is licensed as a subscription-based service either for individual CC products, or for the whole of the Creative Cloud suite.

Adobe Creative Suite is Adobe's legacy 'On-Premise' suite of creative design and desk-top publishing applications and tools (such as PhotoShop, Indesign and Illustrator and so forth) which is licensed with a traditional EULA (End User License Agreement) whereby the software is physically installed on your device both for individual Creative Suite products or the whole suite of software applications.

All of our closed course Adobe training programmes can be delivered on either Creative Cloud (CC) or Creative Suite (CS).

Adobe Photoshop Masterclass: Four-Day Course Outline

We specialise in delivering flexible training programmes and the actual course content, topics and syllabus taught will often vary depending upon your learning requirements and upon the version of the software taught.

Day 1: An Introduction to PhotoShop

  • Module 1: Adobe PhotoShop Interface
    • Introduction to the main PhotoShop Tool groups
    • An Overview of the PhotoShop Palette
    • Navigating your way around the Window Menu

  • Module 2: Adobe PhotoShop Accurate Layouts
    • Manipulating your layouts with Grids, Guides and Rulers
    • Understanding size and dimensions (Print (Point size) vs Pixels)
    • Basic image editing (Resizing images, changing image resolution and changing artwork size)
    • Image rotation techniques and cropping your images

  • Module 3: Adobe PhotoShop Working with Colour
    • Understanding and using background and foreground colours
    • Types of colour and understanding the differences between CMYK and RGB modes
    • Getting started with colour libraries

  • Module 4: Selections Tools and Techniques in Adobe PhotoShop
    • Traditional selection tools (using selection options including the Lasso, the Magnetic Lasso, the Magic Wand and Quick Select)
    • The Intelligent Quick Select Tool
    • Select Background /Select Hair
    • Applying Feathering to your Selections
    • Manipulating Selections
    • Modifying and Transforming Selections
    • Getting started with Quick Masks
    • Select and Mask
    • The Refine Edge Tool
    • Saving and Loading a Selection

  • Module 5: Adobe PhotoShop Repairing and Replacing Images
    • Getting started with the Clone Tool
    • Getting started with the Healing Brush
    • Grouping and ungrouping your images
    • Getting started with Red Eye removal

  • Module 6: Adobe PhotoShop Eraser and Paint Tools
    • Working with Erasers (including the Background Eraser and Magic Eraser)
    • Using the Paint Bucket for adding, editing and setting your colours

  • Module 7: Adobe PhotoShop Brush Palette
    • Painting with brushes (combining filters and brushes to create effects, using the airbrush)
    • Brush tips and tricks

  • Module 8: Adobe PhotoShop Layers
    • Getting started with layers in PhotoShop
    • Adding new layers, editing layers and moving layers up and down in the stack
    • Blending Effects and working with opacity in layers

  • Module 9: Adobe PhotoShop Automated Tasks
    • Creating an html image gallery for the Web
    • Using PhotoMerge
    • Working with Contact Sheets

  • Module 10: Generative AI Features of Adobe PhotoShop
    • Working with Generative Fill
    • Working with and understanding Generative Prompts
    • Generative Fill Panel
    • Content Aware Fill
    • The Sky Replacement Tool
    • Neural Filters

  • Module 11: Adobe PhotoShop Printing
    • Understanding printing considerations
    • Printing methods and techniques

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Day 2: PhotoShop Intermediate

  • Module 1: Adobe PhotoShop Drawing and Painting Tools
    • Adding Paint Effects
    • Using Paint Filters
    • Working with Brushing (switching between different brushs and brush tips and setting up new brush tips)
    • Working with writing and painting tools (the Airbrush, Pencil and Paint Brush)
    • Understanding drawing and painting techniques in PhotoShop
    • Manipulating colour with Fills and Gradients

  • Module 2: Adobe PhotoShop Layer Techniques
    • Applying and working with Adjustment Layers
    • Applying and working with Transparency settings
    • Using Layer Filters
    • Working with Layer Masks
    • Setting Layer Linking and Alignment
    • Using Layer Protection
    • Grouping and ungrouping your layers

  • Module 3: Adobe PhotoShop Replace Colour
    • Recolouring your images
    • Manipulating Colour
    • Working with the Dodge tool
    • Working with the Spot healing brush
    • Working with the Red Eye tool
    • Working with the Patch Tool

  • Module 4: Adobe PhotoShop Typography
    • Working with Type in PhotoShop
    • Understanding, applying and manipulating Text Paths
    • Rasterisation
    • Merging / Flattening and Saving Document Layers

  • Module 5: Adobe PhotoShop Masks: Using masks and masking techniques for special selections
    • Creating a quick mask
    • Adding to & removing from selections
    • Masking techniques and principles
    • Applying brush adjustments

  • Module 6: Adobe PhotoShop Eraser and Paint Tools
    • Using the Erasers (working with the Background Eraser and the Magic Eraser)
    • Working with colour using the Paint Bucket to add new colours and edit existing colours

  • Module 7: Adobe PhotoShop Channels for masks and colour
    • Creating, saving, applying masks in PhotoShop
    • Working with channels including Spot Channels and channel effects
    • Working with Alpha Channels for mask storage

  • Module 8: Adobe PhotoShop Artistic Effects
    • Harnessing PhotoShop Filters
    • Using the Filter Gallery
    • Manipulating the Liquify Filter

  • Module 9: Adobe PhotoShop Practicalities
    • Workspace Customisation
    • Exporting to other DTP applications e.g. QuarkXpress, InDesign, Word
    • Saving for the Web as HTML

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Day 3

  • Module 1: Adobe PhotoShop Powerful Layer Types and Techniques
    • Clipping and Vector Masks
    • Working with opacity (generic opacity vs fill opacity)
    • Working with 3D textures
    • Clipping paths

  • Module 2: Adobe PhotoShop Selection Techniques & Channels
    • Working with Alpha channels
    • Using and building selections inside Alpha Channels
    • Working with Colour Channels
    • Saving & loading channel selections

  • Module 3: Adobe PhotoShop Layer Masks
    • Creating montages with layer masks
    • Building masks from your selections
    • Working with Vector masks
    • Adding, editing & deleting your Vector masks
    • Using Freehand masks

  • Module 4: Adobe PhotoShop Drawing & Painting
    • Advanced Painting effects
    • Advanced techniques for creating & modifying brushes
    • Advanced techniques for working with Brush & paint filters

  • Module 5: Moving on from PhotoShop to the Next Stage in your Design Workflow
    • Combining Adobe Illustrator & PhotoShop files
    • Exporting into and editing for Adobe InDesign
    • Exporting into and editing for QuarkXpress
    • Exporting into and editing for Microsoft Word
    • Saving for the Web
    • Lossless image compression for the Web

  • Module 6: Adobe PhotoShop Eraser and Paint Tools
    • Advanced techniques for the Background Eraser and Magic Eraser
    • Advanced Paint Bucket techniques

  • Module 7: Adobe PhotoShop Working with 3D layers (PhotoShop Extended only)
    • Creating, saving and applying masks for 3D
    • Using channels, Spot Colour Channels and channel effects for 3D
    • Alpha channels for mask storage in 3D

  • Module 8: Adobe PhotoShop Artistic Effects
    • Importing a model as a 3D layer
    • Using the Vanishing Point filter
    • Working with 3D transformations

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Day 4: PhotoShop Expert

  • Module 1: Working with Camera Raw in Photoshop
    • What is Camera RAW?
    • Importing RAW Files /Opening RAW Files
    • Camera RAW Workflow
    • Raw Tools and Interface
    • Lens Distortion and Perspective
    • Cropping and Straightening Horizons
    • Colour Casts and Creative Colour
    • Sharpening and Noise
    • Shadows and Highlights
    • Contrast /Clarity /Dehaze
    • Graduated and Radial Gradients
    • Adjustment Tools

  • Module 2: Photographic Effects in Photoshop
    • Filter Gallery
    • Using Bokeh, Iris Blur, Tilt and Shift, Field Blur
    • Advanced Sharpening Techniques
    • Blend If
    • Levels
    • Hue and Saturation

  • Module 3: Layer Masks in Photoshop
    • Creating a Layer Mask
    • Working with Transparency in Layer Masks
    • Blend Modes /Blending Images
    • Using Brushes for Effect
    • Adding Textures and Patterns to Layer Masks

  • Module 4: Enhancing Portrait Photography in PhotoShop
    • Culling Images
    • Evening Out Skin Tones
    • Frequency Separation for Mixed Skin Tone
    • Spot Healing for Blemishes
    • High Pass Filter with Blends
    • Toning and Complementary Colours

  • Module 5: Working with Short Videos in Photoshop
    • Importing Video
    • Photoshop Timeline
    • Video Layers
    • Editing /Modify Video Layers
    • Adding Text to Video
    • Adding Audio to Video
    • Video Export

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Available Photoshop Courses in the United Kingdom

PhotoShop Beginners Training
- entry level PhotoShop course including working with layouts, colour, image repair, palettes and paint tools
PhotoShop Intermediate Training
- more indepth image manipulation including working with layers, colour, typography, masks and channels
PhotoShop Advanced Training
- sophisticated photo editing techniques including working with advanced layers, masks, channels and artistic effects
PhotoShop Expert Training
- fine tune your graphic design and photo compositing skills and learn how to give your work a professional creative edge
PhotoShop Masterclass Training
- four-day intensive PhotoShop course from 'zero to hero'
PhotoShop Elements Training
- learn to use PhotoShop Elements proficiently for working with images and photos
SLR Digital Photography with Photoshop Training
- combines the full digital photography process into one course, from taking SLR photographs to editing techniques
Creative Cloud Training - 5 day Master Class
- a full journey through the process of image manipulation, design and publishing using PhotoShop, Illustrator and InDesign

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Desktop Publishing & Adobe Software Training Reviews from our UK Clients

Just wanted to put on record how pleased we were with the standard of training we received last week. The trainer is a credit to your organisation and we will certainly not hesitate in organising training through yourself again as required in the future.
M Roberts, Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (PhotoShop beginners training Chester, Cheshire)

I've been getting some feedback from our delegates saying that they enjoyed their day immensely, got so much out of it and thought that their trainer was ace!
E Stephenson, Studio Cambridge (Beginners Illustrator Training Cambridge, East of England)

I just wanted to let you know that we had a fantastic time yesterday in your training session! What a fab, funny enthusiastic lady. We're all feeling a bit more confident now in using this tool in our jobs. Can you pass on our best wishes to her.
C Farthing, Sue Ryder (Beginners PhotoShop Training Northampton, Northants)

I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say thank you to the trainer for the training on Friday. Everyone really enjoyed it and we found it really beneficial. We do hope to use you again in the future for other training purposes.
C Boothroyd, Bako North Western Ltd (PhotoShop and InDesign Training Preston, Lancashire)

The trainer was lovely and incredibly helpful tailoring the training to our needs, please pass on our thanks.
D Kilty, Hitchcock Wright and Partners (Adobe InDesign Training Liverpool, Merseyside)

Very Enjoyable! Lovely tutor and very interesting course
A Hemingway, Wakefield City Council (Adobe Acrobat training Wakefield, West Yorkshire)

I've been meaning to email you regarding the training and how impressed we all were with Greta; the feedback from the team was that she was not only incredibly knowledgeable about all the subjects but was also very approachable and excelled in her training manner. I just wanted you to know that we all thought she was excellent, so thank you very much for organising her and the courses.
T Jenkins, Interdirect (Beginners to advanced InDesign, Illustrator and PhotoShop training Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire)

L Bhardwaj (PhotoShop training Blaby Leicestershire)

A fantastic tutor, made the whole experience very enjoyable.
R Sharma-Slessor, Depuy Spine (a Jonson & Jonson Company) (Adobe Photoshop and Indesign Training Leeds, West Yorkshire)

Very informative course with lots of helpful advice and good practice.
M Hamilton, Canon Slade School (Dreamweaver Training workshop Bolton Lancashire)

Really enjoyable and worthwhile.
L Maycock, Trutex Ltd (QuarkXpress Beginners Training Clitheroe Lancashire)

The instructions made learning the software so much easier than I had imagined, and the trainer is an absolute delight to be with. Making learning fun is a talent. She is a rare gem. Thank you for sending her to me. She has changed my working life in three days flat!
P. Scott (Beginners PhotoShop, InDesign and Illustrator Training Winchester, Hampshire)

A comprehensive course, no need for improvements.
A Alvey, South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (Advanced Illustrator Training Sheffield, South Yorkshire)

[The trainer] has been great to work with. I really enjoyed the training.
K. Clarke, HSBC (Indesign training Birmingham, West Midlands)

Very first time I have used Captivate and it was a great start.
A. Kaczmarczyk, Learn Direct (Adobe Captivate training Sheffield, South Yorkshire)

I'd just like to say a big thank you to you on behalf of all the attendees. We thoroughly enjoyed the training.
A Hall, Royal Liverpool University Hospital (Adobe Captivate Training Liverpool, Merseyside)

The training was great and the trainer was marvellous.
S. Hart, Chester Grosvenor Hotel (Adobe InDesign training Chester, Cheshire)

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Other Desktop Publishing & Adobe Training Courses

-- QuarkXpress Beginners

-- QuarkXpress Advanced

-- Adobe Illustrator Beginners

-- Adobe Illustrator Advanced

-- Adobe InDesign Beginners

-- Adobe InDesign Advanced

-- Adobe InDesign For Multimedia PDFs

-- Adobe Photoshop Beginners

-- Adobe Photoshop Intermediate

-- Adobe Photoshop Advanced

-- Adobe Photoshop Elements

-- SLR Digital Photography with Photoshop

-- Adobe Audition Beginners

-- Adobe Animate Beginners

-- Adobe Express Beginners

-- Adobe Premiere Pro Beginners

-- Adobe Premiere Pro Advanced

-- Adobe Dreamweaver Beginners/Advanced

-- Adobe Muse

-- Adobe Acrobat Beginners

-- Adobe Acrobat Intermediate/Advanced Training

-- Adobe Captivate Beginners

-- Adobe Captivate Advanced

-- Adobe Captivate Multimedia

-- Creative Cloud Master Class

-- Creative Cloud Essentials Course

-- Articulate Storyline 360 Beginners

-- Articulate Rise 360 Beginners

-- Articulate Storyline 360 Advanced

-- TechSmith Camtasia

To book a training course simply call 0844 493 3699, or email info@foursquaretraining.co.uk

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PhotoShop Master Class Price Guide

Group day rates for private virtual courses & workplace courses

1-3 delegates: £450 plus VAT
4 delegates: £500 plus VAT
5 delegates: £550 plus VAT
6 delegates: £600 plus VAT
7 delegates: £650 plus VAT
8 delegates: £700 plus VAT
9 delegates: £750 plus VAT
10 delegates: £800 plus VAT

- trainer travel costs apply for on-site visits-
- prices based on one-day's training -
- Laptop hire charged separately -